Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tekkit Tips and Tricks 8: Dark matter

8. Dark matter
Dark matter, or DM, is a part of EE and is created from 9 diamonds and 8 aerternalis fuel so it is worth 17 diamonds worth of EMC or 139,264 EMC. Dark matter is the next level of awesomeness to diamond. Dark matter can be used as amour, tools and other upgrades for your items.

Personally, I feel that the best perk of using dark matter instead of diamond or other normal materials is that the item does not ever break. If you make a DM pickaxe, you would not have to craft another one because it does not have an actual damage bar but a power bar instead. DM amour also does not break. Thus, it saves a lot of my time with this fact.

Dark matter tools are "slightly" more expensive than normal tools due to the fact that instead of sticks, they use diamonds as handles. The cost of a pickaxe or axe would cost 56 diamonds, a shovel is 19, a hoe cost 36 while a sword would cost 35. A new tool which was implemented, the hammer, would cost 37 where the top left and right would be DM and the whole of the center column are diamonds.

DM tools have special abilities too. Only problem is that most cost fuel to use. This fuel can be glowstone, redstone dust, aeternalis fuel etc. The first obvious ability is that all DM tools have the ability to break 3 blocks at once. This can be changed by pressing "c". There are 4 settings, left-right, top-down, back-back and a single block. All the x3 settings make you more efficient if you mine.

NOTE: When the DM tools are charged, they mine slightly faster then an uncharged tool. Charging a tool is the same as the P stone, just press "v".

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