5a. Transmutation
Transmutation is the word of focus in the mod of Equivalent Exchange or EE. This mod allows you to convert the small and common items such as dirt or cobblestone into more important things such as iron ingots or diamond. You may want to think of it as a market where there is an infinite supply of everything. Everything has a price for you to sell and buy. Unlike a real market, you are the only buyer, supplier and the prices do not change. So that is the basic idea behind it... lets get started!
To start, you would need a philosopher's stone ( I would be referring to it as P stone from now on ). This can be created with 4 redstone dust, 4 glowstone dust and 1 diamond. This P stone would get a damage bar as soon as you place it in your inventory. The P stone does not actually break but the damage bar actually shows its power setting. To power the stone, press "V" while holding it and to de-power the stone, you crouch and press "V". When charged, it would have the damage bar be green and when de-powered, it would show a red damage bar.
What does the Philosopher's stone do?
The P stone is able to do many thing including crafting but first we will talk about the world editing abilities. De-power your stone, hold it and look at dirt. The 5 most common blocks, dirt, grass, sand, stone and cobblestone, are all worth 1 EMC each. EMC is the value of the item where 1 dirt is 1 EMC, 1 iron ingot is 256 EMC and a diamond is worth 8192 EMC. Due to the fact that they all have the value, the P stone is able to transmute them inter-changeably. When you right-click when looking at dirt, it would change into sand. Right-click again, and it changes into grass. You can start with grass instead of dirt and you would get the same outcome. Now try shift-right-clicking. What should happened is that it changed into cobble. Grass, sand and dirt all gives the same result. If you now right-click, it would turn into stone.
Dirt = Grass = Sand
Stone = Cobble
This is quite useful if you are OCD plagued and the mine shaft simply has too many cobble blocks. You can now live peacefully because, with no effort, you can make it all in a nice beautiful pattern again! : D YAY!
There is another "conversion set" like the one above. The set is a very simple one of 2 types of blocks. They would be
Sandstone = Gravel
This is slightly useful if you need flint, do not have a pick to mine that sandstone etc.
If you had set the stone to the lowest power, you should be transmuting only one block but if you power it up, it would start to transmute larger areas. If you set it to 1 level higher, it would start to transmute a 3x3x3 area instead of 1x1x1. One cool thing about this is that if you try to transmute an area which has both dirt and sand, it would only transmute the type of block you clicked on. E.g If you click on dirt, all dirt in the area would become sand while the sand would stay the same.
Other cool stuff
The stone is able to work in crafting as well. If you calculate it, 8 iron ingots has the same EMC value as 1 gold ingot. If you put 8 iron ingots in the crafting table with the P stone, you would get 1 gold ingot. YOUR P STONE DOES NOT GET USED IN THE CRAFTING. You would get the stone back in your inventory as soon as you craft it. Putting 1 gold ingot with the stone would give you 8 iron ingot. 4 gold ingots into 1 diamond, and vice-versa.
The main item which can be made with the stone is the Transmutation Tablet. The tablet is created using the stone, 4 obisidan and 4 stone. This tablet allows you to start to "trade" or transmute more complex items. I suggest putting it on a block because it would look nicer that way than sitting on the floor.
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