Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tekkit Tips and Tricks 8: Dark matter

8. Dark matter
Dark matter, or DM, is a part of EE and is created from 9 diamonds and 8 aerternalis fuel so it is worth 17 diamonds worth of EMC or 139,264 EMC. Dark matter is the next level of awesomeness to diamond. Dark matter can be used as amour, tools and other upgrades for your items.

Personally, I feel that the best perk of using dark matter instead of diamond or other normal materials is that the item does not ever break. If you make a DM pickaxe, you would not have to craft another one because it does not have an actual damage bar but a power bar instead. DM amour also does not break. Thus, it saves a lot of my time with this fact.

Dark matter tools are "slightly" more expensive than normal tools due to the fact that instead of sticks, they use diamonds as handles. The cost of a pickaxe or axe would cost 56 diamonds, a shovel is 19, a hoe cost 36 while a sword would cost 35. A new tool which was implemented, the hammer, would cost 37 where the top left and right would be DM and the whole of the center column are diamonds.

DM tools have special abilities too. Only problem is that most cost fuel to use. This fuel can be glowstone, redstone dust, aeternalis fuel etc. The first obvious ability is that all DM tools have the ability to break 3 blocks at once. This can be changed by pressing "c". There are 4 settings, left-right, top-down, back-back and a single block. All the x3 settings make you more efficient if you mine.

NOTE: When the DM tools are charged, they mine slightly faster then an uncharged tool. Charging a tool is the same as the P stone, just press "v".

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Random Tip Tungsten

Tungsten can be transmuted and has a value of 2 diamonds but cannot be learnt in the transmutation tablet.

Tekkit Tips and Tricks 7: Energy condenser

7. Energy condenser
Energy condensers are quite simply a transmutation tablet which can be accessed by everyone. It is also able to transmute fuels into matter. It has a very simple layout.

The box on the top left is the target, the item which you would want to have. Everywhere else is the input. When no item is in the top left box, the items in the input would only be stored as if it is in a normal chest. When you place a item in the target box, all items in the input area which have an EMC value would then be transmuted into EMC and fill the bar. When the bar is filled, one of the target item would be placed in the input area but not be transmuted. Obviously, the bar would only be filled if there is the same amount of EMC stored in the condenser as the target item.

One good perk about the condenser is that it is able to convert fuels into matter and vice-versa. Thanks to this, you may convert all of that Aeternalis fuel into diamonds. WARNING: It is advisable to keep one of every rare item in a chest so that, should the transmutation tablet glitch, you would still be able to transmute more or learn it again.

Using Buildcraft pipes, you are able to send all of your spare cobble into the condenser.

Tekkit Tips and Tricks 6: Energy collectors

6. Energy collectors
Energy collectors are part of the mod EE. This energy collector or collector in short, simply generates EMC from light. Yes, I am not lying, with collectors, you have an infinite amount of EMC at your fingertips. This may seem OP and it is which is the reason why it is soon to be patched. So use this while you can. To make 1, you would need 1 block of diamond, 6 glowstone blocks, 1 glass and 1 furnace. You would need a large amount of EMC to get the diamonds and a trip to the nether is needed for glowstone. All this work is worth it believe me.

Once you get the 24 glowstone dust with the other ingredients and assembled the collector, you only have to place it down in a bright area for it to work. Putting it under sunlight works best, same with putting a torch over it. If you right click it, you should get this interface.

The amount of EMC stored in the collector is the number. In this picture, 0 EMC is stored but your's should have a slowly increasing number. Notice that all the other boxes have a small arrow going though all of them, pointing counter-clockwise. This is the order of increasing fuels. To some, it sounds tough, but I just find it awesome. You know how nearly all fuels have different EMC values? Well, this cycle would use the stored EMC to convert the low EMC fuel into a high EMC fuel. Just to clarify, for a fuel to "level up", it needs enough EMC to add to its own EMC to get the next fuel.

This is the ladder for the fuels:

Charcoal (32)
Redstone dust (64)
Coal (128)
Gunpowder (192)
Glowstone dust (384)
Alchemical coal (512)
Blaze powder (768)
Glowstone Block (1536)
Mobius fuel (2048)
Aeternalis fuel (8192)

You may want to transmute some charcoal and put it into the collector, retrieve redstone and repeat. If you want and you can, place the collector next to a condenser and it would not store the EMC but send it into the condenser instead. Do not know what a condenser is? Click here.

The box on the right is meant as a target. If I put coal into the box and redstone in the cycle, instead of converting it all into aeternalis fuel, it would all become coal and the extra EMC would be stored.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Random Tip Crafting with the P stone

If you press "c" while holding the philosopher's stone, you would open up a 3x3 crafting menu as if you are at a crafting table.

Tekkit Tips and Tricks 5b: Transmutation

5b. Transmutation
When you right click on your tablet, you should get this inter-face.
This is the transmutation tablet. You would be "trading" here. The circle on the left is input and the larger circle on the right is the output. Under the input circle, there is the word EMC followed by a number 0. There is a slot with the picture of a fire in it. The last important part are the words No Lock. To start transmuting, put something such as dirt into the input circle where there is a purple dot.upon putting it there, the number next to the EMC would increase. The amount the number increased is the value of one item. The value would be 1 for dirt, cobble etc. You may also place the item into the fire slot to "sell" it and to gain EMC. Note that you would then lose that item compared to putting in the input where you may remove it at any time and lose the EMC. When you put an item in the input or fire, you would learn the item. This means you would be able to "buy" it. For example, if I put 4 dirt into the fire, I would have learnt dirt and have gained 4 EMC. If I then put a stick in the input slot and immediately retrieve it, I would have learnt the stick but not gain any EMC. I can then spend my 4 EMC from the dirt to take one more stick. I can do this by taking the stick from the output circle.

1 stick + 4 dirt = 2 sticks + learnt stick + learnt dirt.

If you want to, you can put 1 stick in the input and take out the 4 dirt. This mod is called Equivalent Exchange for a reason.

Note: The output shows all the items which you have learnt and can take with the amount of EMC you have stored.

You would notice that when you put an item such as dirt or wood, the words "No Lock" would turn into the word "matter". This is your lock of your transmutation tablet. There are 2 types of locks in tekkit and they are matter and fuel. What this means is that you are not allowed to transmute fuels into matter and vice-versa. E.g You are not able to convert coal into iron.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tekkit Tips and Tricks 5a: Transmutation

5a. Transmutation
Transmutation is the word of focus in the mod of Equivalent Exchange or EE. This mod allows you to convert the small and common items such as dirt or cobblestone into more important things such as iron ingots or diamond. You may want to think of it as a market where there is an infinite supply of everything. Everything has a price for you to sell and buy. Unlike a real market, you are the only buyer, supplier and the prices do not change. So that is the basic idea behind it... lets get started!

To start, you would need a philosopher's stone ( I would be referring to it as P stone from now on ). This can be created with 4 redstone dust, 4 glowstone dust and 1 diamond. This P stone would get a damage bar as soon as you place it in your inventory. The P stone does not actually break but the damage bar actually shows its power setting. To power the stone, press "V" while holding it and to de-power the stone, you crouch and press "V". When charged, it would have the damage bar be green and when de-powered, it would show a red damage bar.

What does the Philosopher's stone do?
The P stone is able to do many thing including crafting but first we will talk about the world editing abilities. De-power your stone, hold it and look at dirt. The 5 most common blocks, dirt, grass, sand, stone and cobblestone, are all worth 1 EMC each. EMC is the value of the item where 1 dirt is 1 EMC, 1 iron ingot is 256 EMC and a diamond is worth 8192 EMC. Due to the fact that they all have the value, the P stone is able to transmute them inter-changeably. When you right-click when looking at dirt, it would change into sand. Right-click again, and it changes into grass. You can start with grass instead of dirt and you would get the same outcome. Now try shift-right-clicking. What should happened is that it changed into cobble. Grass, sand and dirt all gives the same result. If you now right-click, it would turn into stone.

Dirt = Grass = Sand
Stone = Cobble

This is quite useful if you are OCD plagued and the mine shaft simply has too many cobble blocks. You can now live peacefully because, with no effort, you can make it all in a nice beautiful pattern again! : D YAY!

There is another "conversion set" like the one above. The set is a very simple one of 2 types of blocks. They would be

Sandstone = Gravel

This is slightly useful if you need flint, do not have a pick to mine that sandstone etc.

If you had set the stone to the lowest power, you should be transmuting only one block but if you power it up, it would start to transmute larger areas. If you set it to 1 level higher, it would start to transmute a 3x3x3 area instead of 1x1x1. One cool thing about this is that if you try to transmute an area which has both dirt and sand, it would only transmute the type of block you clicked on. E.g If you click on dirt, all dirt in the area would become sand while the sand would stay the same.

Other cool stuff
The stone is able to work in crafting as well. If you calculate it, 8 iron ingots has the same EMC value as 1 gold ingot. If you put 8 iron ingots in the crafting table with the P stone, you would get 1 gold ingot. YOUR P STONE DOES NOT GET USED IN THE CRAFTING. You would get the stone back in your inventory as soon as you craft it. Putting 1 gold ingot with the stone would give you 8 iron ingot. 4 gold ingots into 1 diamond, and vice-versa.

The main item which can be made with the stone is the Transmutation Tablet. The tablet is created using the stone, 4 obisidan and 4 stone. This tablet allows you to start to "trade" or transmute more complex items. I suggest putting it on a block because it would look nicer that way than sitting on the floor.